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Sunday School News - May 2024

Dr. Jane Brasko Kelly

Dear Sunday School Students and Families,


Below is the Sunday School class schedule for May 2024:



  • May 3 Holy Friday Retreat: Helpers 11 AM; Apokathelosis Service, 3 PM, Myrrh- bearers report at 2:30 PM

  • May 5  EASTER SUNDAY: FAMILY WORSHIP SUNDAY. AGAPE SERVICE, 11 AM. Easter Egg Hunt immediately following the service.

  • May 12 No Classes, Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day poems read by Sunday School Students.

  • May 19 Worship and Classes, Last day of Sunday School


St. John Chrysotom Delaware Valley District Oratorical Festival

On Saturday, April 6, 2024, St. Luke hosted the Delaware Valley District Oratorical Festival, welcoming speakers, their supporters, and clergy from 8 of the 13 churches in the Delaware Valley District. St. Luke was represented by Stavros Kalisperis and Victoria Kaltsidis, in the Junior Division, and Eleni Kalisperis and Maria Kaltsidis, in the Senior Division. We could not be more  proud of our 4 speakers, who were incredibly impressive representatives of our parish! In addition, we wish the very best to Victoria Kaltsidis and Eleni Kalisperis who were chosen to represent the Delaware Valley District at the Metropolis Oratorical Festival on May 11, 2024 at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation in Baltimore. Xronia Polla to our wonderful young orators!

We offer very special thanks to the following members of St. Luke’s Sunday School staff and parish community for making the District Oratorical Festival a successful event for our parish and our guests: Mrs. Alexis Limberakis, our Mistress of Ceremonies par excellence for her great work on April 6, as well as integral guidance behind the scenes; to Ms. Vida Bona, St. Luke’s Office Manager whose office help with the little, but important, details, was invaluable during the planning of this festival; Miss Marilena Ristas and Mr. Thomas Ristas for checking in and welcoming our speakers; Mrs.Sophia Milinkovic, for her unwavering support behind the scenes and her immense help with planning, shopping and organizing the meals for the day; Mrs. Deme Peters for shopping for  the beautiful hydrangea centerpieces in the Social Hall; Mr. Art Karros, today’s official Time Keeper, and great Oratorical mentor; Mr. Noel Kelly for logistical, emotional, and organizational help; and to the Raptis Family for donating a delicious Lenten luncheon meal for all; and to Rev. Fr. Christ Kontos for spiritual guidance and support, as always, especially during the planning of today’s event.


Finally, we are indebted to our esteemed panel of judges: Mrs. Maria Armenti, Esq., M.T.S.; Mr. John Kounios, PhD; and Mrs. Pauline J. Manos Steiner, Esq., for their time, attention and careful deliberation at the Delaware Valley District Oratorical Festival. We appreciate their work on behalf of the devoted young people who spoke so eloquently about their Greek Orthodox faith. May God grant all of those named here and in the paragraph above many more happy and healthy years for their immense investment of time, talent and treasure towards making the District Oratorical Festival a celebration of our Greek Orthodox youth. Xronia Polla!


FOCUS Community Connections

Late in 2023, FOCUS North America received 20 gift certificates in the amount of $250.00 each from Chick-fil-A, to be used to provide food and a community connection between Orthodox churches around the country and those in need of a hot meal. St. Luke’s Sunday School, representing our parish community, was the recipient of one of those $250.00 gift certificates. On Saturday, April 13, 2024, trays of chicken nuggets, a large green salad, a large bowl of mac and cheese, and a tray of chocolate chip cookies were delivered to the Life Center of Upper Darby as lunch for their 34 clients. The catering manager at the Springfield Chick-fil-A very generously made it possible for us to provide more food than the original amount of the gift certificate would pay for.. We were grateful to have been a part of this very worthwhile program, and we thank Alan Pcsolyar of St. Luke’s FTIN for helping us make a community connection with the Life Center.


Flowers for Salutation Services

We would like to offer our deepest thanks to the following for providing flowers for the Panagia at each of the Friday Saluation Services during Lent: Effie Xidou, on behalf of the Delimetros and Pouladakis families; Stephanie Abramides-Carroll; Helen Kopitas and the Kopitas family; Olympia Corbino in memory of her late father; and Sophia and Danny Milinkovic and family. We truly appreciate all of our donors for their support of this lovely tradition for our Sunday School and parish families. We pray that your Lenten journey was strengthened by this giving opportunity!


Psalm Readers for Salutation Services

We are very grateful to the following Sunday School students who read at least one of the 3 Psalms at the beginning of the weekly Salutation services during Great Lent: Eva Stroumbaras, Evva and Ana Kanellopoulos, Kyria and Alexia Brennan, Marina and Evan Kopitas, Christian and Mary O’Donnell, Costa Samios, and Argyris Massagli. We were so gratified to hear their young voices read  these beautiful prayers from the Old Testament as they shared with us the true spirit of Great Lent.


Readers for Agape Service on Pascha

We are looking for volunteers to read the Gospel in different languages at 11 am on Easter morning during the Agape Vespers of Pascha. We have copies of the Gospel in the following languages: Greek, English, Spanish, Latin, French, Italian and Albanian. The reading in the appropriate language will be given to volunteers prior to the service. It’s a truly awesome opportunity to not only read the Gospel in front of the congregation, but to also echo what is being done in Orthodox churches around the world on Pascha, to announce the Good News of Christ’s Resurrection to all peoples! To volunteer to read the Agape Gospel in one of these languages, please contact Miss Jane at Easter Egg Hunt to follow the Agape Vespers!


Sunday School trip to Holy Protection Monastery

We are trying to organize a Sunday School trip to Holy Protection Monastery, and these efforts are being spearheaded by our teachers Sophia Tsakiris, Marilena Ristas, and Thomas Ristas. God bless them! We are aiming to go on Saturday, May18, 2024. One option is to arrive early in the morning so that we may attend Divine Liturgy with the nuns (7:30-9:30 am), receive a tour of the Monastery, and share lunch together with the nuns. OR we could visit at midday on that Saturday afternoon, receive a tour of the Monastery, share a meal with the sisters, and attend Vespers before heading home. If May 18 isn’t a good date for you, but another date would work for you, please let us know. However, if this is something you and your family would be interested in at all, please contact Sophia and Jane at!


Readers for Divine Liturgy

Please encourage your children to volunteer to read the Epistle or the Communion Prayer during Divine Liturgy. This is a great way for your child to become involved in the worship of our faith. We will send you the reading(s) ahead of time so that your child can practice and become comfortable with the texts beforehand. To volunteer your child, please contact Miss Sophia and Miss Jane at


Questions about Sunday School?

Please contact Miss Jane and Miss Sophia at Or, visit, which will be updated throughout the year with additional information and resources for families.

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